I read the latest in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series, Lover Mine
If you haven't read the BDB series, I highly recommend that you do so. They are fantastic. You can find them all on Amazon or elsewhere, probably used. I don't know the order off the top of my head, but I know that Amazon does number them, so you can make note of it there if you're going elsewhere to obtain the books.
Update: I was chatting with someone on Twitter who said that she had picked up the first book in this series and was intimidated by the glossary at the beginning and put the book back down. Let me tell you right now: YOU DON'T HAVE TO READ THE GLOSSARY FIRST!!! ::ahem:: Sorry for yelling. Seriously, though, it's unfortunate that they put it at the front, because that makes it seem like essential reading material, where I think that it belongs at the back as reference material. They probably wanted the reader to know it's there. Anyhoo, you can grasp the meaning of most of the made-up words from the context, and the glossary is always there for those you want to double-check. So don't get scared. Skip the glossary and move into the glory of the story.
Heh. I rhymed.
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